Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ground Rules for Solving the Debt Crisis

I think Congress and the President need to take a page from the play book that they gave us, middle-class Americans, during the early days of the recession to deal with the current national debt crisis.
The rules:
1.  Increase your revenue.  Now, this one is tricky.  Although you told us to take on second and third jobs to make more money, the reality was that by the time our hours and pay were cut, even if we could find those second and third jobs (do you know how many employers want your availability to be 24/7?), we were no better off financially than when we started.  So, here’s the reality of the situation, increasing your income works well on paper, but not in real life.  Besides, haven’t you read about all those people who were lucky enough to start making more money and how they simply started spending more money and actually ended up further in debt.  Now, let’s be real, you know that with the Government’s addiction to spending, more revenue = more spending = more debt, guaranteed.  Learn from our past mistakes, Ignore Rule 1 and immediately move on to Rule 2.
2.  Live within your budget.  You can’t spend what you don’t have.  It’s not always fun, but that’s the way it is. Oh, and no more borrowing money or living on credit.  The banks, with your blessings and financial support, took away our credit limits and our credit cards to “help us live within our means and pay off our debts.”  Now, it’s your turn.
3.  You have to support your family.  Remember all of that advice about buying groceries and paying the mortgage first and then paying the rest of the bills? We have a responsibility to try to keep food on the table and a roof over our family’s head; you have the same responsibility to take care of the people who depend on you — Social Security recipients, the military, etc.
4.  Cut out the excesses.  There was a whole media campaign telling us to cut out the cappuccinos and the manicures and the vacations so we could get our budgets in line.  So, Congress, it’s time to cut the luxury items out of the national budget and maybe it’s time you start paying your own travel expenses and health insurance premiums and, here’s another idea, taking a pay cut like so many of us have had to do.
Mr. President and members of Congress, you made up the rules, now it’s time you live by them.
p.s. Don’t miss the deadline ‘cause those late fees and increased interest rates, not to mention your damaged credit score, will stay with you for years.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So what do you do?  "I'm a writer", I answer.  What kinds of things do you write? " Oh, poetry, party-planning guides, short stories, I guess a little bit of everything."  A sudden look of disapproval flashes over the interviewer's face.  After all, to be taken seriously as a writer one must concentrate on one genre, right?  Perhaps my problem is I haven't found my voice, or maybe it's because I hear too many voices.  There are so many things to write about, so many projects in my head, so much to be said, and, to tell the truth, I like saying it.  I like saying it all.  So until the ideas quit coming or my mind becomes so focused on one thing that I can see nothing else, I guess I will keep exploring the world of words and the many ways to string them together. So here's to the next few projects:  a barbecue party-planning guide, a movie script, a science fiction book my son wants me to write and a book on home-schooling that my daughter is encouraging me to write.  That should keep me busy for the next few months :)

Monday, June 20, 2011


After a week of less than stellar news, finally something to cheer about!  Both of my books, Musings of a Dreamer (poetry book) and Party Like a Patriot (party-planning guide) have been picked up by Barnes & Noble's Nook catalog and the Apple iBookstore.  Although I am a big lover of curling up in an over-sized chair with a hardcover book, my love for eBooks grows with each passing day.  It is a relationship that started off with great hesitancy, but now I have been won over.  How incredible to be able to carry around 100s of books on an eReader.  Truly a book lover's dream come true.  And what about those price points!  I am one of the first in line when it comes to balking at paying $25.00 - $30.00 for a book.  Thank goodness there is now a way to quench my desire for new books without leaving my wallet incredibly empty. 

It has been said that "variety is the spice of life", but little did the person who coined that term realize how accurately it would one day describe the book publishing business.  Not only are there eReaders, but books can be downloaded to your computer and others can be printed as pdf files.  Talk about options!  I'm like a little kid in a candy store.  Countless books to choose from; countless ways to enjoy them!  Life is good!

FYI  Party Like a Patriot and Musings of a Dreamer are both also available from as downloads for online reading and as a pdf file for home printing.  On, Party a Like Patriot is available as a full color pdf file with graphics through SKTparties.